Radomir and his wife Antoinette met in 1968 and were married in 1975. They have a wonderful daughter Diana, who is happily married and living with her husband and their daughter in Oakland, California.
Besides having a very happy and satisfying marriage, Radomir is also a Founder and Director of a consulting firm DHD Global where he uses his previous training in communication and team work to incorporate it in his current practice of coaching individuals in their relationships as well as training organizations in forming "championship" teams.
His track record speaks for itself as the first iteration of this book sold more than 70,000 copies. He is also a trained Personal Coach specializing in relationships.
A passionate interest in the workings of human nature, as well as his vast experience in working and communicating with people in different environment has naturally led him to his present vocation.
As a business professional and personal coach, Radomir is highly committed to his clients' being at their best at all times and in any circumstances. He sees no option for success, but to "manifest your best."