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About the Author

Michael Darmody
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Author Info

We stand at an unprecedented cross-roads in human history where the choices and actions we take regarding climate change, income inequality, and unpredictable technological innovations can either save or sink us as a species. 

Yet widespread societal ignorance and complacency have resulted in few demands for leadership accountability and corrective action. 

The ‘boiling frog’ is a metaphor for a society that has been lulled to sleep while perilous forces and corrupt leaders have endangered the world. 

Michael Darmody examines the motives and actions of global business and government leaders over the last 50 years, and the disturbingly low-level societal awareness of what has really happened. This well-researched book aims to inform, inspire and challenge the public to ensure we demand more from our leaders in these precarious times. 

A skilled leadership consultant and executive coach, his motivation for writing the book is rooted in deep concern for the welfare of future generations, in disappointment and anger over the route capitalism has taken since the 1970’s (particularly since the 2008 financial crisis), over the revolving-door nepotism between business, lobbyists, government and media that created income inequality, and most important, over the alarming global inaction on climate change and a shift to sustainable energy. 

The time to act is NOW, and this book tells readers WHY and HOW

Michael is a catalyst for awareness, growth, hope and inspiration. He has enjoyed a management and consulting career with public, private and non-profit sector organizations, and has studied and applied the principles of excellent leadership for 40 years. He has honed a comprehensive grasp of proven leadership traits and their impact on organizational and political results, and now calls attention to the generally ineffective and incompetent levels of leadership in the world. Michael seeks to move people to positive action that will enrich their lives by sourcing and empowering better leaders, and by perhaps becoming leaders themselves.

He holds a MBA degree, an executive coaching certification, and training in various behavioral assessors. A proud father and grandfather, he loves viewing and creating art, cycling, golf, watching most sports, taichi, playing guitar, reading, and spending time in nature. He holds dual Canadian/U.S. citizen, and currently resides in Mississauga, Canada.

