Webster (Russ) Russell and Dee Coffeen are well known authors of both fiction and non fiction books. Dee and Russ met on the internet after the loss of their spouses. That experience led them to write their second book, “The Second Time Around - A Guide through the Maze of Internet Dating”.
They are best known however for their young adult fantasy “Harry and the Stock Tank Dragon”.
Even though they are both in their seventies, they lead an active life of writing, cruising, photography, and being with friends and family. They have been around the world twice, stepped on all seven continents, and visited 80 plus countries. The people they have met on these cruises can often be found in their stories.
If writing books and cruising were not enough to keep these two busy, they also author a cruising website, a NextDoor cruising page and create photo journals of the world.
If you were to meet the many people throughout the world that know these two, they will tell you they are fun, creative and curious, all great attributes for authors.
Russ and Dee make their home in central Texas and can be reached at candrpublications@gmail.com.