In the spirit of leaving an anecdotal artifact of personal
existence bequeathed to posterity, Every Now and Zen represents the fruits of
explorations into the nature of being and becoming. Drawing from personal
experiential revelations, percolating and formulating over the course of the
past four decades; with excursions into consciousness, mysticism, Eastern
philosophy, Western psychology, observation of self and human behavior,
psychotropic and transformative learning, with an approach to becoming a whole
person; and in discussions with others on such topics as examined within this
book coinciding with his own spiritual and emotional emergence of personality
and the mind as an ongoing meditation in the experience of humanness, with
observation and inquiry as to the nature of being and consciousness.
The impetus for this work was inspired some 40+ years ago by
a book I actually never read, for it was the title itself portrayed on the
cover that captured my imagination. The book as it is known was Be Here Now by
Ram Dass, in the spiritual emergence of his former self, Richard Alpert. After
writing this book, I stopped by my local Independent Bookstore in search of the
title, and just as magically as the amazing interactional universe we live in,
right there on the shelf of the Spirituality section facing outward, was a copy
fully displaying itself. And, to my surprise, viewing the title some 40 years
later, it actually reads in a circular fashion, with the word Remember above,
squaring the circular title to the North, East, South, and West of the title
wheel: Be Here Now Here Be Now Be Now Here Now Be Now Be Here Now. And so I now
perceived to read the title as: Remember, Be Here Now. Remember Here Be. Now
Be. Remember Now Here. Now be Here. Remember Now. Be Here. Now. My original
viewing of this seminal book written in 1971 coincided with my own spiritual
emergence and inquiry as to the nature of being and consciousness. Over the
course of this past year on my daily walks, I chose to recall some of these
realizations with the intention of re-experiencing and capturing succinctly
their essence to share in this book, to preserve as an artifact of my own
existence and serve as a guidepost for others on their own journey.
It is the hope of the author to impart these nuggets of
wisdom (or folly) as "Cosmic Breadcrumbs" in the realization of the
nature of being, and the desire of fully becoming the best version of
yourself. These thoughts are stated in
the most condensed manner as "bite-sized" meditations to consider and
digest, as I invite you to take your time as you experience these thoughts now
and again, and again now.