Mark is an electro-mechanical engineer with product experience in sensors, actuators, circuit breakers, contactors, mechanisms, hydraulic valve actuators, bimetal actuators, transformers, inductors, electronic packaging (cooling, vibration, shock), finite element magnetics and programming (Visual Basic, Fortran). He has experience working in both the manufacturing and research environments. His strengths include electromagnetics, mechanical dynamics, heat transfer, project management, team leading, mentoring, teaching, and the ability to apply physics to a wide range of engineering problems.
Mark holds an MSME degree in heat transfer and fluid dynamics from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and a BSME degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with specialties in dynamic systems, kinematics, strain energy, and numerical optimization. During the past 37 years at Eaton Research Labs, he focused on designing magnetic and electromechanical devices, where he was granted 123 US and foreign patents. He also has 49 publications with 16 journal papers, 1 book chapter, and 1 book appendix, and has given 63 invited presentations.
Mark’s awards include:
1999: UWM Mechanical Engineering Department – Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement
2006: Eaton Electrical Group – Community Service Award
2010: Engineers & Scientists of Milwaukee – Engineer of the Year
2013: UWM CEAS – Meritorious Service Alumnus Award
Mark has been involved as a leader in the following organizations.
2003 – 2018: Chair of IEEE Magnetics Chapter for the Milwaukee Section
2004 – 2009: Chair of UWM ME Department Industrial Advisory Council
2007: Chair of Purdue University CTRC Industrial Advisory Board
2009 – Present: Member of Board of Directors for the Kids from Wisconsin
Mark has taught courses in kinematics at MSOE and heat transfer, shock, and vibration in electronic systems at UWM. He also participates in many volunteer activities directed toward mentoring and encouraging students in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math.