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About the Author

Jennifer Winer-The Adventures of Charlie Chap the WonderCat
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Jennifer Winer has always loved animals and and has grown up with cats her entire life. She is an animal advocate and her mission is to provide them with safe and loving environments and homes so they can have wonderful lives. Every cat Jennifer has rescued/adopted has been special, but there was something extra special about Charlie. She knew he could put smiles on peoples faces and bring them joy in good times and bad. She knew he was the feline to do it. Now adored around the world, Jennifer continues to help Charlie Chap the WonderCat connect with everyone providing joy, love, peace, and happiness to all.


Check Charlie Chap the WonderCat out on his social media pages for more fun and to hear what he has to say. 

Instagram: @meetcharliechap

Twitter: @meetcharliechap

Facebook: Charlie Chap

TikTok: @charliechapthewondercat

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