Mimo graduated with a Master’s Degree in biological sciences from Central
Connecticut State University, and has been living in Connecticut ever since. He
has spent the last 35 years working in the field of Environmental Education for
the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. He has designed and
coordinates five major statewide environmental education programs, mostly to
provide technical education to high school students and adults. One of his
programs “SEARCH”, a water quality monitoring education program, was chosen and
funded by the National Science Foundation to provide systemic change for
biology and chemistry in all the high schools in Connecticut. Alberto has been
recognized as providing Connecticut with a number of very unique environmental
education programs with applications beyond his home state. He is the Recipient
of the Connecticut Outdoor and Environmental Education Association
“Environmental Educator of the Year” award in 1989, the 1991 National “Roger
Tory Peterson” environmental education award and the 1995 Environment 2000
Governor’s award. In 1995 he was nominated by his peers and also awarded the
DEP Distinguished Service Award based on his outstanding contributions to the
Department of Environmental Protection. The Connecticut Audubon Society also
awarded him the 1997 “Piping Plover” appreciation award for his contribution to
the Audubon Society in Connecticut. In 1999, Alberto was honored once more by
Briarwood College with their “First Environmental
Service Teachers award”. In 2011 he was awarded the Dr. Sigmund Abeles Science Award for his
outstanding service to Science Education in the State of Connecticut and in
2015 he was inducted into the Science National Honor Society.
believes that the best way to influence students and reach their hearts is by
providing them with an opportunity to do research and monitor the environment.