Dr. Carmen Brown is an author, blogger, practicing obstetrician/gynecologist and managing partner and founder of ExpatMD. She currently resides in Melbourne, Australia with her husband and young son.
Dr. Brown has been overseas for over eight years and has become passionate about helping other physicians realize their options to live and work overseas. After assisting several doctors find jobs in either New Zealand or Australia, Dr. Brown decided to start ExpatMD, a full service consulting firm dedicated to helping American doctors achieve their dream of becoming an expat.
She regularly speaks on a variety of podcasts and shows and writes a blog about life as a doctor mom with a child with Autism, www.autismdrmom.blogspot.com
You can reach her at info@expatmd.com or at www.expatmd.com
Instagram: ExpatMD
LinkedIn: Dr. Carmen Brown FACOG, FRANZCOG
Twitter: @DoctorCarmenB or @AutismDrMom