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About the Author

Author Info

Greetings fellow travelers, and lovers of words, thoughts, & ideas! Most people call me Michelle, some call me Beanie, and a few, Elizabeth. My last name is Billeaudeaux, from the French Bill-et-doux...meaning sweet note or letter of love. I was born on the 29th, and I have 29 letters in my name. I'm an Aries. My birth number is 5, and I was born at exactly 5pm. :) 

I'm from a very small family (Mom, Dad, Sister), that is until I had my only child...McKenzie. I'm a single mother, and wouldn't have it any other way. She's 24, graduated college an honors student in Psychology, is absolutely beautiful with an amazing sense of humor, and now has a specialty pastry business!

I first saw Michael Jackson's image when I was about 7 years old in 1969-70. I recognized Him as someone I had been in love with always. My love, respect, and understanding of His historical importance grew stronger and clearer over the years.

I am now 58, but I wrote my first book only 3 months after He passed away, at His suggestion I might add. My first book: "An Angel Among Us: We Called Him Michael Jackson, A Spiritual Journey" and second book: "Michael In My Life" can be found separately or in this double-book offer. 

The front cover photo was graciously offered to me by the photographer Henry Diltz, whom believed in my book's messages. 

The afterword was written by Dr. Patrick Treacy, whom knew Michael personally and also believed in the message of my book.

In my second book, I am joined by many fellow Soldiers of Love whom lovingly contributed examples of Michael's affect in their lives.