There are volumes of available motivational materials consisting of guidance for just about any topic you can think of. Whether it's losing weight, getting fit, finding a perfect mate, getting the perfect job, or launching your own start up, it's easy to find a relevant motivational book or video that promises to deliver. Why then, do so many people who subscribe to these programs still fall short of reaching their goals?
From childhood, Andre Julian was his own worst enemy. He was raised to believe that success just wasn't in the cards for him. It wasn't until he experienced a transformational event that shifted the way he thought about himself that he started to achieve success in life. Years after this life-changing event, he learned why this transformation happened but could never figure out how to explain it, or how to teach others to transform themselves.
Andre has found that the best approach to sustaining a long-term strategy towards success is based on our mindset. Research has shown that our incentive-reward system is based upon accomplishing short-term goals. "Streaking to Win" shows that reprogramming yourself for success is impossible unless you find a way to combine your short-term incentive system with the attainment of long-term goals. This book offers an effective method to bridge that gap and combine these two processes. The motivational industry tells you that the answer is within you. If you believe in yourself and believe that you are worthy of success, then you can reach the moon or make your fortune. That's the message that prevails. But if you don't already believe that you are destined for success, then you begin your journey with a mindset that is almost impossible to change. No matter which motivational program you try, you must confront the toughest roadblock you will ever face even before you start…that roadblock is you.
If you have embarked on the road to success but continue to struggle and fall short, it's time to understand that you are not at fault. You simply have never received the necessary wiring for success. However, you can acquire that wiring. Your journey will present you with challenges to conquer, roadblocks to overcome, and plenty of failure along the way. But if you first program your mind for success using Andre's method, you will be ready for your journey. Start streaking to win and you'll soon cross your own finish line.