The tongue is the most visible member of the body and can give you a wealth of information about your general state of health. For example, because the very high metabolic rate the top most layer of the tongue - called the epithelial layer- is replaced every two to three days; this rapid rate allows malnutrition and other unhealthy conditions to show up quickly.
An enlarged, pale, and flabby tongue with a cover of cheesy or greasy white "fur" can suggest illnesses such as chronic bronchitis, colitis, or a weak and enlarged heart, while a rapid change in the color of the tongue hints at some medical condition which needs your attention.
Even your taste buds can offer clues to your state of health. The lack of nutrients such as vitamins B, C, zinc, and iron all cause oxidation or a change in the cells which are found in the buds. These taste cells, which have receptors that can cause the brain to distinguish between sweet, sour, salty and bitter tastes, then alter and one gets a "metallic taste" indicating that you are not getting proper nutrition.
The tongue, in fact, accurately reflects the state of your digestive system-from rectum to esophagus - including the stomach, small intestines, colon (large intestine), pancreas, spleen, liver and gall bladder.
This is why I say that the tongue can reveal many secrets about your health, and that by observing your tongue you can assess your general state of health in an easy and surprisingly accurate way.
Also, by learning some basics about proper nutrition, lifestyle changes and detoxification - all of which are discussed in greater detail in my last book, "Living a Longer Life Naturally" and which we will touch on briefly here - you'll be able to make important changes leading to better health.
This is not a book of "hard science" with double bind studies and the results of many research projects. It is a book based on my observations of treating patients nutritionally for more than 25 years, as well as on 5,000 years of Traditional Chinese Medicine observation and treatment.
I have taken many of these Eastern concepts and principles and Westernized them so that you will be better able to grasp the essence of tongue analysis in an easy and uncomplicated manner and then do it yourself.
There is much to learn about the Chinese art and science of tongue analysis, and this volume only serves as an introduction to this most fascinating subject. There are many books out there to read that will provide more detail about all aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine and I hope you will pursue them.