About the author
Author Sydney Sherman grew up in a small Connecticut town. Baseball games, dance recitals and Sunday car rides were a normal part of her life growing up in the 60’s.
She was soon to find out everything was not normal…she had a secret. Sydney Sherman saw dead people!
Sherman learned the fear of ridicule at an early age. Struggling through her inability to understand this difference and not wanting to share her experiences with others, led to a young adulthood of emotional silence.
Longing to know why spirits appeared to her was the beginning of understanding. She began allowing herself to be open to the energies. Sherman learned from them. And, the more she listened, the more she gained confidence in herself and the motivations of her “peeps”.
Meanwhile, her desire to provide clarity and understanding of the paranormal increased. As a means to promote a rational view of the unexplained through scientific means, the author increased her activity in the “ghost hunting” community. She is now recognized by her colleagues as a significant force in promoting professionalism and responsibility in the field.
As the popularity of ghost, ghost hunting and paranormal media increased, Sydney became more and more frustrated with misleading and sensational views of the subject in popular media. Sherman felt a need to replace imagination and speculation with information. Sydney decided to "come out" with her secret.
The author began educating others on how they too could continue relationships with their loved ones. She needed them to come to the same understanding she had. They are not gone; they are still very much here with us....we just need to start listening.
Sherman encourages people to think about the potential the paranormal holds for all of us. Sherman hopes her work helps “everyday people” avoid falling prey to the frauds of the field. And more importantly, to learn how to connect and benefit from the guidance and protection of their own loved ones.
Ms. Sherman shares her knowledge at various speaking opportunities.
Sydney Sherman has two grown sons and lives with her husband in Connecticut.