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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Christian Living / Devotional
  • Language:English
  • Pages:284
  • Paperback ISBN:9798988154402

Writing His Word on Your Children's Hearts

A Fast Fun Family Devotional to Memorize Scripture

by Marty Gallion-Newport and Blythe Adreon

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Are you stressed and desire to be blessed? This Christian family devotional aims to inspire joy from God, identify ways to glorify God in all situations and grow in the Christian faith with your children. This book offers weekly scripture memorization for spiritual growth, teaches ways to uplift family members and others, and encourages children to learn and share God's Word in their everyday experiences. Families, single parents, grandparents, caregivers, foster parents, or even Sunday school groups will enjoy twelve weeks of engaging and enjoyable daily activities with children focused on learning about Jesus and the Bible while memorizing scripture one week at a time. Strengthen your family's love for one another and for God as your children discover how to harness the power of scripture and cultivate joy through Christian living.
A Fast, Fun, Family Christ-Centered Start to the Day Start a twelve-week journey to memorizing scripture together with your children! This Christian family devotional offers five days of fast, fun, Christ-centered discussions and activities to learn a new Bible verse weekly. The book is designed to begin the day for your children with Christ-filled intentions, to learn about God's Word, and to learn about the power of scripture to help us find strength, joy and blessings every day by recalling scripture, reminding us all how loved we are by God. Activities are tailored for children and parents, with a Kid Connection and Caregiver Connection section for each day. Parents and caregivers will enjoy the humor and insights from the "Kid's Take" on Bible stories while also having the opportunity to delve deeper into their own spiritual growth through journaling and reflection. This devotional is fast, productive, and fulfilling for Families, single parents, caregivers, and Sunday school or worship groups. How can you make discussing God, scripture, or living a Christ-centered life with your children efficient, productive, and fun? We have compiled what we found to be the perfect balance of scriptures, Bible study, journaling, and humor just for you and your children! Dive into God's Word with a new weekly verse and arm your family in turning to Christ for strength each day. What is Kid Connection? Aren't we so very blessed to be able to call upon scriptures for inspiration, guidance, reminders to adjust our attitude or words, and praise? God's Word can turn our days around and remind us of our strength through Him. Instill and empower your children with the gift of scripture memorization so that they can call upon God's Word to be with them at all times and in all situations. This section offers quick, thoughtful lessons to integrate scripture into busy mornings before school and work. What is Caregiver Connection? Caregiver Connection nourishes the spiritual needs of parents, grandparents, foster parents, and all caregivers. Recognizing the importance of self-care, this section provides opportunities for personal prayer and journaling, ensuring caregivers are spiritually replenished and ready to share God's love with the children in their care. Featured Scripture Selections From the Book The devotional includes beloved Bible verses that resonate with readers, such as Romans 8:28, Jeremiah 29:11, Philippians 4:13, and Matthew 5:16, offering inspiration and support throughout the day. How to Use This "Guide" This "guide" is designed for both children and parents or caregivers. A new scripture is introduced each week with different activities and discussion for five days. In only 5 to 10 minutes, you will discuss the verse and work on internalizing, memorizing, and applying what you learn. On day one, print out the scripture card associated with the week and discuss with your child a place they would like to put it so that they may see it and think about it a few times during the day, such as inside their school desk or perhaps the school binder or agenda. Each day will have the following: MATERIALS: Items needed for the day. RECITE: Locate, Read, and Recite scripture. DISCOVER: Explore scripture meaning and context. SHARE: Discuss and Identify ways to apply and share the verse with others. MORNING PRAYER: A prayer to begin the day. EXTEND: Reflection, prayer, and additional practice for memorization. With its blend of scripture, Bible study, journaling, and humor, this devotional offers a perfect balance for families seeking to deepen their faith and connection with God. It's not just a guide; it's a companion on your spiritual journey, providing the support and understanding you need. Discover how a busy morning can become an opportunity for spiritual growth and a joyful connection with your children.
About the author
Marty Gallion Newport has Jesus in her heart, kids on her mind, and music in her soul. She is the author of Homework Games: How to Have Fun with Homework Games and Roxie and Rein: Forever Friends. With over 20 years of teaching elementary students, Marty loves furthering education, providing support and encouragement.