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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:112
  • eBook ISBN:9798350975505
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350975499

Witness Me

by Damien Demzik

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John is an Assist agent that takes claims from people seeking state administered assisted suicide. While going through the normal drone of his everyday life, a young girl sits across from him and demands papers. This throws a wrench in comfortably complacent life causing him to look inward on himself and his role in the world.
John spends every day in a haze; broken only by the times he must watch people die in order to close their claim. The office stirs one day when a young girl named Kaylee comes in, looking disheveled and angry, wanting a packet to start her Assist claim. John is jeered out of his haze and has to come to terms that he might have to watch this fresh 18-year-old die. He starts finding ways to delay her claim while also taking a look at himself. Kaylee gives him a wakeup call and he seems to finally see his crumbling house, his failed marriage, and his stagnation in life. During this introspection, he is trying to motivate Kaylee to her to change her mind about the world as well.
About the author
Damien Demzik is a writer, a social worker, and a veteran. Damien struggled with reading and writing growing up due to challenges with dyslexia and ADHD but found love in writing. They have completed multiple manuscripts and is now an avid reader and writer of all genres. Damien spends their days helping other through their therapeutic work and writing the stories that have been brewing inside them just waiting for the right reader to gaze upon.