Non-Fiction, Spiritual, Religious, Correction, that includes adding (Jesus') Fathers name (Jehovah), and honoring the (Holy Spirit). This allows, God's Kingdom Reign Church, the Church of Philadelphia, to be honored. All other churches will be vomited out of Jesus's mouth. This book includes instructions for the Jewish Sects, to include Grace, (Jesus), because they have no Messiah, when a Messiah has been given. This books instructions, adds increase to a personal savior, by including all Three. There is no argument, because arguing is foolishness according to the "Dather," the Dad Father. Because a personal savior, cannot save, unless he is whole. As Above, So Below. Read the book to find out exactly what God is talking about. The (Tri-Une God), offers this easy fix, so that We can let Eternity begin. We wish for none of you to perish.
We are the (Tri-Une God).
(Jesus, Jehovah, and the Holy Spirit).