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Book details
  • Genre:POETRY
  • SubGenre:General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:408
  • eBook ISBN:9781609849023

wind in the pages


by brett brady

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implicit... succinct... pithy... to-the-point tho elegantly indirect... curiously multi-layered, like life, they invite ambiguity, suggest the narrative and intuit truth... they are haiku!
a breath of fresh air… a moment of repose by Marcia Twain Brett Brady's "wind in the pages: haiku" lends the reader an oft-overdue moment of repose. Each haiku is a breath -- an unconscious “flash” that, once considered, illuminates the simultaneous significance and futility of thought -- of the act of thinking. Indeed, each page transports us beyond this plateau, as the visceral experience reminds us of what lies beneath and beyond the self-importance we construe through our memory of names and feelings and words: it is not just "poetry," but a lens through which we can recognize (without cognizing if we are so lucky) -- and perhaps even become -- understanding. It is a rare book that one can leaf through randomly or sit down and soak in each page in its carefully crafted order. Highly recommended...
About the author