Wild Again is a sexy thriller set in after-hours, 1990’s Manhattan where promiscuity has taken a new moral spin...where cocaine is a given, and old-time whiskey the latest kick...where those who have-it-all and do-it-all live in dangerous proximity to the desolate and homeless...and where a man like Art Glenn and a woman like Margo Magill find love as hard to believe in as a fairy tale. Art is a late-night club pianist with enough talent and charm for easy money and instant sex-mates. Margo, who has abandoned the bright lights of the theater, works in the shadowland of the urban underclass. Their newfound love is as sexually potent as it is romantic, but because each has been bruised by previous relationships, they look warily upon this unexpected gift of joy. As Art's reckless actions create a devastating spiral of passion, insanity and murder, their world, at once glittering and hedonistic, and inescapably dangerous, becomes a microcosm of contemporary urban life.