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Book details
  • SubGenre:Inspiration & Personal Growth
  • Language:English
  • Pages:32
  • Hardcover ISBN:9798350966213

Who am I in the Universe?

by Preeti Rakhra

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"Who am I in the Universe?" is an inspirational affirmation book to remind people to use their powerful thoughts to reprogram their subconscious mind. As new thoughts are born creating change, affirmations provide people with inner peace and unwavering faith to never stop believing in themselves. Within the universe, we are infinite beings full of spirit, love and light, always being guided throughout our journey and supported along the way.


"Who am I in the Universe?" provides a collection of positive statements and empowering messages, designed to inspire and build self confidence in others that are life changing.  

About the author

As an author, mental health professional and life coach, Preeti Rakhra continues to spread inspiration and personal transformation.  By using her clinical practice, she has helped many people understand and embrace their emotions in a way that fosters worthiness and spiritual growth. Her source of enlightment provides a journey of self healing and discovery.