About the author
Dr. Leclaire O’Neill, Ph.D., R.N., has worked for 30 years in New York and Los Angeles helping patients to heal. She was on the staff of the Simonton Cancer Center for 10 years where she taught the “Getting Well Again Process” in family, individual and retreat settings. Dr. O’Neill has also trained physicians, nurses, and many other health care professionals from all over the world in Mind-Body Medicine and How to Get Well from Cancer. As a balance to her long-term work with cancer, Dr. O’ Neil Created and developed the Leclaire Hypnobirthing Method for Natural Childbirth and the Mind-Body Fertility Program. A mother, as well as a professional, Dr. O’Neill is a certified practitioner of Deepak Chopra’s Magical Beginnings Prenatal Program. She is the author of Hypnobirthing The Original Method, Creative Childbirth, The Complete Leclaire Method, The Pregnancy Diary, Meditations for Pregnancy and Nine Glorious Months, a unique breakthrough in prenatal bonding. She has also written the Hypnofertility book and FREE CD included and the Hypnofertility Bundle, in addition to the Hypnobirthing for Childbirth CDs: Creating Comfort Within, Labor and Birthing from the Inside Out, Hipnoparto,Music for Labor, Breastfeeding, Healing, Fertility and Cancer. She also created the Mindful Pregnancy for a Mindful Birthing iTunes app www.leclairemethod.com www.smartbeginnings.vpweb.com