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Book details
  • SubGenre:Sales & Selling / General
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Shut Up and Talk!
  • Series Number:2
  • Pages:269
  • eBook ISBN:9780983012924

What a Difference IT Makes

by Diana Ball Cooksey

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In this second book in the Shut Up and Talk series, the reader will learn how to overcome the obstacles that threaten IT, and lead the buyer to the goal he had in mind. Diana Ball Cooksey teaches the reader how to get in step in less than a minute and gain buyer trust through more powerful conversations.
A buyer connects with a salesperson because he needs help finding his way. Even with all the knowledge and information available to him especially through the Internet, he still needs help. These days, thanks to information overload, the buyer needs even more help than ever before. In essence, when the buyer connects with the salesperson through conversation, he’s asking the question: “How can I know the way?” The Champion demonstrates he knows the way by being who he purposed himself to be when he became a Powerful, Professional, Customer Servant Salesperson. What you will learn about your business and yourself as you read this book: Why courage is so necessary in order to be powerful and how to find it How to maximize opportunities to gain trust early How to improve relationships with people that matter How to move from “doing the sales close” to “being the closing”
About the author
Diana Ball Cooksey is the founder and CEO of The Cooksey Group, The Cooksey Group teaches communication and interpersonal skills to people responsible for sales, production, customer service, management and leadership. From individuals to Fortune 500 companies, the firm's passion is to help in the positive transformation of people's lives by teaching concepts and skills that lead to effectiveness. Diana has worked as a speaker, consultant and coach for almost 30 years, predominantly in the homebuilding industry. She lives in Dallas, Texas.