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Book details
  • SubGenre:Cultural & Social Aspects
  • Language:English
  • Pages:108
  • Hardcover ISBN:9798350971354

Walter Payton Roundhouse Philosopher

34 Life Lessons Learned at Walter Payton's Roundhouse

by Scott Ascher

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The Deal was done, and we all knew

It was attributable to his fame                                                                               

The First Railroad Roundhouse was built in America

Would be restored and carry his name   


Walter Payton's Roundhouse Complex

 It was ready to commence As our CPA

Mark outlined the plan

This was no time for nonsense


"One-third for Walter,

One-third for me,

One-third for the Aschers

We should all agree"

"But, wait…" Walter broke in,

"Wait, you see I need to get this straight

It appears you believe one of us…Pam?

Is she not carrying her own weight?" 


 "Oh, no," said Mark the CPA,

"But if we divide by four

The Aschers will have 50 percent

And that would, of course, be more"


"Check your math," Walter insisted

"Since what I am able to see…

Pam would have 25, Scott 25

Just like you and me"

And so, it is settled, Walter declared,                                   

"On the documents that you create

No Aschers, just Pam, Scott, Mark, and Walter

On that, you will clearly state"


365 days later, Walter Payton's Roundhouse

Opened to accolades and awards

It was honored by many By Kings and Queens,

By Aces and by Lords

Walter Payton's Roundhouse was declared

By the United States Department of Preservation

"One of the finest examples of adaptive reuse,

Of buildings throughout our entire nation"

Note: Day of the signing, Walter declared, "I think I got to have 34?" No one disagreed, but we told Hall of Famer Dan Hampton we'd never be his partner…              Dan was 99.


Walter Payton approached us. A restaurant project he had been eyeing; thought we might like to be his partners in this endeavor. We were extremely flattered. We were confident, but this was Walter Payton. Walter Payton was arguably the greatest athlete to ever play college and professional football. Yet, the thought of working with him in a business environment was a cause for some concern. He knows football but... okay, we decided to take the leap. Signed on as his partner with the intention of teaching him business and best business practices. However, after reviewing our first project, we recognized it was not a good investment and told him as much. "What, you don't want to be partners with Walter Payton?" he asked. "Of course we do, "I replied, ''just not on this one." Walter sent us out across the country looking to find the right fit. Finally, we found it. America's Flrst Railroad Roundhouse in need of renovation, Aurora, Illinois. "I sent you to Maui and you chose Aurora, Illinois?" A statement Walter would make many times in the coming years. I mentioned to Walter that since the Roundhouse was finished in 1856 and the CB & Q Roundhouse was opened in 1856 there was little chance that slave labor was used to build it. He recommended I do a little more research. "I don't doubt the Railroad Companies first purchase of a slave was back in 1856, but I doubt they weren't renting slave labor from slavers before 1856. I had always wanted to start a company called '40 Acres and a Mule.'" My additional research educated me. Richard Petersburg Railroad Company was the first Railroad Company to purchase a slave: "one negro man purchased for $1070" was posted on their books in 1856. My, Life Lessons, had begun.

About the author

Walter Payton: "Who told you that? Scott? You've got to understand that Scott grew up in the 60's and sometimes he gets these flashbacks. So, you need to be careful with what he tells you..."

Curley "Boo" Johnson, Harlem Globetrotters: "Yes, I knew Scott back in the 60's. I was his Basketball Ball Boy at Bradley University. Does he exaggerate? Well, he bought the first Railroad Roundhouse built in America and 4.5 acres of land for $10 in 1995? He was partners with Walter Payton. I don't see how he could exaggerate?"

Sidd Finch, New York Mets: "Yeah, I knew Scott and Pam. He wrote a book about 34 Life Lessons he learned at Walter Payton's Roundhouse? Only 34? Must be a sequel coming out."

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