Waiting For Mr. Right, Her Majesty in His Plan, tells the ups, downs, and sometimes hilarious journey single, Christian women go through on our path of waiting for Mr. Right. The hardest thing about being a single Christian woman, is being a single Christian woman. Think about it. We live in the same world with everyone else and a world full of temptation. Not only do we handle our business such as work, our households, and faithfully giving God his due praise, but a majority of us would be lying if we said we weren’t waiting on Mr. Right. However, nowadays, there are wolves in sheep clothing (men) and sheep in wolves clothing (men). The depiction between the two categories can be difficult and downright exhausting. The enemy (Satan) has no mercy on us whatsoever! Waiting For Mr. Right is an epic anthology of the milestones, relationship lessons, and dating experiences taken from the life of Bridgett T. Johnson as a single, Christian woman. Her story begins as a young lady who thought she had her future all planned out. This includes finding her Mr. Right. As years went by, she began to mature in her faith in God and yield to his will over her life. She realized that through her growing faith in God and God only, would she RECEIVE her Mr. Right, on his timing. She refers to her life experiences as lessons that she has overcome and offers them as a tool of future blessings to you. So get ready to laugh, learn, and be inspired!
Dating for Mr. Right
The Dating Timeline
Four Valuable Rules to Remember While Dating
How to Know if He is Serious About You
The Candy Store Objective
The “I Love You” Theory
Who Is Mr. Right
... and much more