This is the first segment in a thousand year saga about 'us', all of humankind, 600 years after we became extinct when our Mother Earth was destroyed by a whim of the Universe. In 2256, after forty years of pre-warning, Earth's orbit was intersected by a large rogue asteroid belt -- the results were catastrophic, damaging the planet's surface severely, and creating a deadly shroud that blocked the Sun's life-giving light. With the advance warning, Earth had become unified, seeking some way to mitigate the inevitable catastrophe. World nations came together, and a Sanctuary was built deep in the Earth to house 100,000 souls for as many decades as might be required for the Earth's surface to heal and the Sun to penetrate the toxic shroud. And, Sanctuary did host its small human population for 50 years -- unitl a deadly virus introduced by a returning surface expedtion killed every last inhabitant. The sole thread to previous human existance was 'Samuel', who was given the charge to somehow rekindle the spark of human life. Now, 600 years later, Samuel is poised to implement Vigil's End -- to determine if Humankind indeed might have a Ninth Day...
An engaging, sweeping adventure that asks the questions every human ponders at some time -- Who are we? Why are we here? Do we have a destiny that even the Universe must allow?