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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Spirituality
  • Language:English
  • Pages:244
  • eBook ISBN:9798350989434
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350989427

Vicki's Thoughts on Becoming One with God

by Vicki Nelsen

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No matter what culture or religion you were brought up in, you should study for yourself and meet God and develop a relationship that will carry you thru this earthly life and into eternity. Knowing you are loved and that love for God and others will become the reason for your existence. I am not looking for you to believe as I do, but that you yearn and ask God to show you the truth for yourself. Many people are turned off by forced religion and confusion to believe what you've been told you must, even if it doesn't make sense. In this book we explore 30 questions that you might have on topics that you are unclear about, and most would rather not talk about including: where did all the people come from, is Jesus God, are there levels of heaven, can you talk to dead people, are there aliens and more for a total of 30 controversial topics. At some point, when you stand in front of God, are you ready?
The title of this book is Vicki's thoughts as I want to make sure that everyone understands that while I spend time talking and communicating with God that I do not claim to have all the answers but am putting in writing my understanding of my studies, prayers, and hope to encourage others to do the same. For anyone to think they know all and have all the answers is in my opinion prideful and overall shows lack of knowledge as the more you study, the more you realize what you don't know. So let's just conclude this with NONE OF US ARE GOD (or whatever name you know the creator by). For those who want to say there is no creator then this book is not for you. Please go find many of the books written that proves there is, then read this one. For many people they have been so turned off from God as religion has been pushed upon them in such a slave like manner that they choose not to have anything to do with God as they think of God and religion as the same thing. I hope to accomplish 2 things from writing this book: 1) No matter what culture or religion you were brought up in that you study for yourself and meet God and develop a relationship that will carry you thru this earthly life and into eternity. 2) Knowing you are loved and that love for God and others will become the reason for your existence. And that we will all work together to bring the world into love and peace and pray for God to skip the tribulation and go straight to the millennium, His 1000 year reign on earth before the new heavens and earth are brought into being. Please know that I am not looking for you to believe as I do, but that you yearn and ask God to show you the truth for yourself. Although I am unclear on many topics still, here is my simple belief in my relationship with God. God created us with freewill as so we can choose to love and be loved or not. If you physically force your child to say I love you, does it really mean anything to you? By one man death was brought into the world and by one man life. Jesus, the 2nd Adam, loved me so much that He came down from heaven to reestablish the relationship that we were created to have by being the payment for my sins. Once I accepted this precious gift of payment, then my spirit was sealed with God's spirit so that I have the same Spirit living in me which raised Jesus from the grave. The same Spirit that heals, does miracles, and loves. My desire is to be where ever God wants me to be whether it be in this human body, out of this body, in this universe or out, or in Heaven. It matters not as I am sealed and will never be alone. Please know that I would like to be here for my children and grandchildren and others, but know and trust them to God as they are His forever and He has entrusted them to me for a short while. May you find the true and living God, Sincerely, Vicki Campbell Nelsen of Houston, Texas, USA, North America, Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
About the author
Vicki Nelsen is a world traveler and studies the different religions and cultures. She has worked in the mortgage and real estate field for over 40 years. With meeting so many different types of people she realized that many people do not even consider the spiritual in their every day life. Or they have been so turned off by religion in the past they want nothing to do with it. Her goal is to awaken people that their relationship with God starts now and will last into eternity. She loves spending time with her grandchildren. She has many good human friends but her very best friend is the Holy Spirit. She is a follower of Jesus.