This book is about manhood—healthy manhood! What is healthy manhood?
Healthy Manhood is about men making wiser life choices, relating to people in a
more positive way, being authentic, acting with greater integrity, living from
a deeper set of values, expressing the best qualities of themselves, and thus,
finding success and true contentment in life.
This book is about the journey to healthy manhood. It contains
insights into the personal evolution a man must go through in this particular
epoch of human history, with the unique challenges and opportunities it offers
men. It describes the problems that men face in today’s society and outline
steps men must take to live a fulfilling, prosperous, and triumphant life.
In today’s world, people are challenging the old patriarchal
and chauvinistic definitions of manhood, and discarding many of them as
outdated. In their place, new definitions of manhood are being written, and
rightfully so. The world is better off with newer and healthier definitions of
manhood. Yet, during this period of transition, men are struggling to maintain
their footing on the paths of masculinity they’re walking today. In fact, all
the signs suggest that today’s men, young and old, are facing a deep crisis of
the soul and spirit, as they try to navigate the challenges of these times. Hence,
new maps, guideposts, and guides are needed to help men blaze new trails on
their pilgrimage through life.
This book is such a guide—shining a light on the paths that
men must walk to live a meaningful and fulfilled life. It offers insights from the
firsthand experiences of the author and the lives of men he’s known or
encountered. It’s the wisdom from his journey and their journeys.
For those men seeking a more positive and powerful expression
of manhood, Triumphant: The Journey to Healthy Manhood is a must read.