This book is a book of Love, Honor & Wisdom. Each essence was written and gifted to me in the true essence of sharing. To bring light to balancing our own differences and uniqueness as Woman and Man. To share the magic of awakening each possibility within ourselves.
To remind us that a woman is a spiritual life force, a Divine Being. A Goddessa, A Gift! Complex, Beautiful, Intellectual, Emotional and pure intelligence in so many realms. Physically contributing to the world every way she can.
Each essence is a block of pure vibration, of light; you will receive it from where you are in your life. As you read each essence, more of you shall unfold. As you reread it, even more of you shall unfold and awaken to your own divine essence of who You are.
You will be moved and inspired as you connect to your higher self, and connect and hear your soul if you so choose. I invite you to work with each essence, to bring you into alignment so you may have a clearer understanding of who you are being, and how you can be more in touch with your own divine Self.
These essences are beautiful and a true gift to your soul and from your soul. You will awaken as many essences as your personality is ready to receive. Blend these essences and allow their vibration to guide you as you begin your journey. You will be taking a spiritual journey of discovery, adventure and growth as you read and work with this book.
This journey begins and ends with Love, for Love is the most powerful energy in the world.
- Vanda Teixeira