This bilingual oracle book offers word and art as medicine
through divinatory and poetic messages that have emerged from
written devotions to the tonales of the Mexica Tonalpohualli and Teotl.
Each page presents an opportunity to gently explore existence
through indigenous Nahuatl philosophy and cosmology,
inviting the reader back to the present moment with a renewed perspective.
With each page turned in the Tlahtolli Oracle,
seekers will find not just answers, but a deeper understanding of themselves
and a loving philosophical companion that offers a key to unlocking
the mysteries of the precious wisdom that surrounds us.
Written in honor of the sacred directions and the ancestors.
Este libro no es solo una herramienta de oráculo; es una obra de arte, un compañero
filosófico y una llave para desvelar los misterios de la sabiduría preciosa que nos rodea.
Escrito en honor de las direcciones sagradas y a los sabios abuelos.