About the author
A resident of Gloucester Massachusetts, my heart sings with the sea. I'm the mother of four adult children, who are the pride of my life, but have yet to bless me with a grandchild. An accountant by trade, and an artist by volition, my loves include painting, drawing, and of course writing. I drop my own lobster traps, using a small row boat, along the beautiful coast of Cape Anne, and can often be found walking Gloucester’s beautiful beaches.
My history includes many parts of the world, having been born in Japan shortly after World War II. The formative years of my childhood were spent in the beautiful state of Montana, the last best place on earth. Here I could walk out my front door at the foot of the Rockies Mission Range and look up to view glaciers. My fondest memories include summers riding bareback, the dusty smell of horse highlighting the dust motes glowing in the sunshine. Then on to high school in Duluth, Minnesota. Cold winters with snow banks up over your head, and fishing for smelt in the spring thaw.
Life has taken me many places since that long ago time; eight years in Saudi Arabia, Florida, Nebraska, Oregon, New York, but I have finally found the place I love, Gloucester; where I live with my companion, James, a beautiful gentleman of Irish descent who never fails to light my life.