Cover to digital cover, this book is an amazing journey. You come away with the gestalt of sales in a way no other text has provided. Like all endeavors, successful selling is not a matter of amassing a bunch of tricks and methods; it is a complete state of mind. Better than any other book I’ve read, The Natural Laws of Selling helps establish this. Internalizing Mr. Jacobs’ principles, you become 100% more self-assured in your goals, and in the process the rest falls into place with your own innate and learned abilities.
Look, any pro knows good sales techniques. But this book is what allows us to bring them all together into one organic whole. And when it becomes natural, that’s when the closings start to cascade like drops of water from the sky. “Natural” has many meanings here. I’m selling so naturally now it’s become simply a matter of course.
Amazingly, this book is also just straight out a great read. I enjoyed almost equally getting the picture of the overall journey the author himself has gone through in his sales career. It’s always instructive to learn the life arc of a successful person.
The last thing to add is that though I read this start to finish, Jacobs has structured his book to allow random perusal. Each chapter stands alone as a major foundation block or an interesting vignette. Perfect for reading ten or fifteen minutes at a time on commute or during a break. – Duke Cullinan
The "Natural Laws of Selling” is an outstanding contribution to the science of the sales process. It is a "one of a kind" reference comparable to no other reference on the Internet or elsewhere. If you cannot find what you are looking for in the world of sales in this compendium it probably doesn't exist.
The underlying sub-rosa of the psychological connectivity to the sales process is obvious in this work as witnessed by Mr. Jacobs’ understanding, presentation and penetration into the human psyche as it relates to all selling. If what he brings in terms of knowledge, experience and contribution does not bridge the gap of human understanding, such will not be bridged.
The understanding, keenness of thought and sensitivity about the human process and how it contributes to the successful involvement in relationships between people is unprecedented and priceless. I am obviously a big fan of this writing by Daniel Jacobs, and applaud any efforts to help mankind better understand the inner workings of the human potential. – Professor B.F.Brown, Esq.
Have you ever met someone that seems to be a ‘natural sales person?’ No matter the environment, no matter the situation – they can make the connection, and make the sale? This person isn’t magic, they just know the natural laws; laws that Daniel Jacobs wants to share with you in “The Natural Laws of Selling: The Essential Truths.”
When it comes to selling and life in general, there are a few sets of absolutes you have to accept –and apply in order to succeed. The first and foremost of those laws is something many of us have already heard; you are not in the business of selling, you are in the people business. But what does that really mean? Jacob’s breaks it down for you, stripping away the flowery language and workshop feel; getting down to the heart of the matter with straightforward terms and real life applications. There is no psychobabble in these pages, instead you will find the bases and basics of selling – the Laws that don’t change, and the ways you can start implementing them TODAY.
Whether you are a business owner looking to revitalize your sales force or a sales person yourself, this guide is a must read. In truth, it should be a ‘must read’ for everyone, because we are all selling something, from items to ideas, thoughts to presence; we are ALL in the business of people. -Joyce Whittaker, Personal Life Coach
You know immediately when something rings true. This is a well written, easily understood work which points anyone involved in sales in the right direction. Review of the basics, even for a "pro," can act to allow for a re-evaluation of the importances
connected with effective selling. Why? Because even at the level of professional sports the basics are repeated time and again. That's why they call it practice! The end of learning happens when you already know it all already!! A wise old saying goes something like this: "The number of times you go through and cover the correct materials will yield the greatest certainty and the best possible results." Here is the correct selling data set out as natural law: it is just a matter of reading, understanding and of application and refinement. For anyone who is selling I can only say buy and read this book and you will become a better salesman, which means monetary rewards - the name of the game.
J. A., Director, AAS LLC
For those of you who don't know, Dan Jacobs, along with being a great trumpet player and fine flute player has actually been a sales guru in real life. He sent me a slew of outstanding reviews for his new book, "The Natural Laws of Selling," which is not just about selling things. It is about how to live your life and treat people with respect. It is a very easy read and is organized in a way you can pick it up at any point and find some sort of simple revelation that seems so profound and yet you haven't made that connection until you read it. I am proud to have had a small part in getting this book made. – Geoff Winstead, Musician, Author
I've been selling on a professional level for over 35 years and I've found a refreshed attitude from reading this book and a renewed purpose in providing the best service to my clients that I possibly can.
There is nothing mystical about selling; there are basics and natural laws that underlie any technique or method. Isolate them and apply them you'll have greater success. It really is as simple as that! – C.G.W., Sales Consultant
If only I had read even just the article on “assumptions” in your book BEFORE I made the decision to take a new job in another city. Yikes! I could have saved myself a lot of aggravation! By a lot I mean truck loads! Train loads!!! One “false assumption” I had was that I can talk to someone, and then everything is going to go exactly as discussed. Boy did that not happen! So hey, this new viewpoint alone has dramatically increased my survival/success ratio…. tremendously! I FEEL better knowing I know this! Thanks! – Commodore Perry Barrett
I just started reading the Kindle version of your book. I'm barely into it and find it's chocked full of wisdom and actionable advice. – Ron Morris
I really like the book. You’ve created an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to make a better life for themselves through selling or any other profession. – Rod Jacobs, Retired Sales Exec. Business Owner
The "Natural Laws of Selling" is truly an awesome book. Mr. Jacobs’ way of rephrasing basic truths really penetrates. The information in this book deserves wider recognition and widespread, global distribution. There is a big void "out there" to fill. - Cary Kilner, Ph.D., Educator
There is a lot of psychology involved the selling process. And understanding the principles behind selling is of course one of the pillars of any business. ”The Natural Laws of Selling' by Daniel Jacobs is a very well written and easy to understand book and I'm very happy that I got it. -Emma Alcott, Sales Representative
I really enjoy reading things that seem so obvious once I see it - yet - I never thought of it before. The Natural Laws of Selling is one of those books that make me nod my head and exhale slowly . . . (body language for "of course"). I am now half way through the book and have decided to buy a copy for each of my sales reps in Nashville. I have really been encouraged in many areas I already do - and fallen short and challenged in places we can improve. We had one of the best discussions with our staff I can remember. All of them have been with me for over 25 years. It is exciting to see what we have done - and so exhilarating to know there much more we can do. Thank you for the mountain of work you have put into this. - Randy Vader, C.E.O. Praisegathering Music Group
This book is, quite surprisingly, not just for those who work as salesmen or women. The basic 'laws' he talks about are universal in relationships of any kind. It's quite amazing actually. I am married to the author and I always wondered why he got paid the big bucks to be a consultant with these international companies. Now I know! He had me read the book for basic editing and oh my, I found myself looking at so many different aspects of my life that it was kind of crazy. I remember all the bad and good sales people I'd run into. I thought about what it means to have a sale on line and what part customer service plays in the sales process. I thought about my own artwork and what I've been doing wrong and right about selling it. I thought about my kids and friends and realized that when I'd had some sort of upset or weird thing happen it was because I'd violated some of those same basic laws that apply to sales. It is almost weird. But if you think about it, sales is really just providing a product or service in a way that everyone wins. All life is kind of like that! You ask you kid to take out the trash and if he balks, you've just violated one of those laws. Pretty interesting stuff of life! Buy it. I think you will get your money's worth for sure!!! And more! – Myrna Jacobs, photographer, artist
The Natural Laws of Selling is a fantastic book overall written by Daniel Jacobs, a truly inspiring author. It is written with refreshing clarity and all terms are explained as you go along. Also you can pick it up, drop it and come back another day to read a chapter.
The flow of the book is truly unique, it has something for everyone even if you are a true beginner or a professional, it will help you to break through the next plateau of sales results and stability. For me personally, I can say it has actually started working and the results I have created from taking aspects of this book in my own hands are astounding.
We all know that selling is a hard business, but Jacobs makes it simple. For example "the most effective way to get people to trust you is to first trust yourself" is a really great principle, not just for sales - but for life too! –Charles B. Goldner, Retired sales rep.
The Natural Laws of Selling is a tour de force in the area of selling and human relations. Reducing complexity into the simple observable laws is no small feat. Dan has accomplished this with his usual style and wisdom. The book is well designed and flows from one key topic to another. I enjoyed it immensely. Very Well done! – James Newell
Rarely does any book present a new way of thinking, especially about the field of sales. But this is such a book; presenting a fresh new approach to the science and art of selling. It is based on an exciting, new discovery of how to harnesses the raw, unchanging power of The Natural Laws Of Selling.
The premise of this book is simple and straightforward: Acting in accordance with the natural laws of selling can increase your personal power in all areas of your life, especially in selling.
As stated in the book: “Mastering the fundamentals is always senior to the endless accumulation of techniques.” Once you know WHY a sale takes place, and start to understand HOW the inner workings of the selling process really work, stress and failures are replaced by confidence and results. -Jackie D. Ellis, Sales Trainer
Dan Jacobs really hits the nail on the head with this book. His actual discovery of the Natural Laws of Selling is extremely valuable and shines a spotlight of truth on how you can use them to genuinely change how you approach sales. The way Dan has written this book makes it so easy to understand it allows you to quickly read and "make-it-your-own" – so that you really get the concepts in a way you can use them. Once you grasp these simple, common sense principles you will find yourself realizing just how you can use them every day. As we all have to "sell" ourselves every day in one way or another, so knowing the basics can help you become more successful in not only situations where you are "selling" as a professional, but on a daily basis in everyday life. – Shawn Townsend, Sales Manager
This book gives both novices and experts tools to exceed. Well written, easily comprehended, highly recommend for both individuals in the sales field and for those wanting to excel. – L. Theodore, Church Administrator, Ret.