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Book details
  • SubGenre:Inspiration & Personal Growth
  • Language:English
  • Pages:126
  • eBook ISBN:9781618420213

The Yoga of Relationships

A Practical Guide for Loving Yourself and Others

by Yogi Amrit Desai

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Love itself is an experience of relationships. You must start your journey from where you are, not from where you want to be. Relationships are a progressive unfolding of the Spirit. As the adage goes, you never step in the same river twice. Thus, you never experience your relationship in the same way from day to day. It is never complete. If it stalls or fails to grow, its full potential is never met. Love with attachments confines you. Love without attachments makes you free. Yogi Amrit Desai is a world-renowned yoga master and teacher of holistic living, melding ancient wisdom with modern practicality. His piercing insight into the nature of relationships is a road map to fulfillment.
Experience a revealing exploration into the most perplexing aspect of life—relationships. Take charge of learning how your own inner landscape, your relationship with yourself, is at the core of everything, everyone and every situation you encounter. Renowned spiritual master Yogi Amrit Desai shares his piercing insight about the true nature of relationships delivered in a plain-English explanation of yogic teachings, peppered with humor, wisdom and personal anecdotes. This rare book is both a spiritual and practical guide to a gaining a clear understanding of how communication, gratitude, forgiveness, awareness and love itself play pivotal roles in creating lasting, loving relationships. Notable Quotes..... “You are the creator. What you believe, you create. What you create, you become.” “Life’s purpose is to lead every soul toward greater consciousness and freedom from limitations.” “Love is the divine seed within our hearts. Because it exists within each of us as our highest potential, a life filled with love and intimacy is possible for everyone. No one is excluded.” “Addictions are not only related to drugs or alcohol. We can become just as addicted to relationships that give pleasure and relieve us temporarily from pain or fear. We manipulate people and external conditions to mistakenly assure perpetual pleasure, success and happiness.” “Growing up doesn’t necessarily mean emotional maturity. That depends on evolving conscious self-awareness; that takes practice, as well as understanding of the difference between who we really are and who we think we are.” “If you are happy, it’s not because you have what you want. It’s because you are what you want.” “We cannot be fully in a relationship with another until we know ourselves. To experience self-actualization, we must drop all identification, perceptions, expectations, prejudices and demands. We must be in touch with what we are actually experiencing in the present moment.” “When we experience negative or unpleasant emotions, the most important thing to recognize is that it is normal to feel those emotions at times. We have every right to experience whatever we are feeling, but we do not have the right to impose it on others.”
About the author
Yogi Amrit Desai is a renowned authority on yoga and holistic living. As a teacher, his special gift is his unique ability to present profound essential yogic wisdom as a practical method anyone can adopt. His very presence radiates the inner warmth, divine joy and spiritual energy that are the outward expressions of awakened consciousness. Yogi Desai’s spiritual odyssey began at 16 in Gujarat, a rural western state in India. At that time, his Guru, Sri Swami Kripalvanandi recognized that the young Amrit possessed special gifts as a spiritual teacher. As a result of his Kundalini awakening in 1970, Yogi Desai directly realized the unity within all life and the divine essence within each of us. This experience became the basis of the work he called Kripalu Yoga, Meditation in Motion, in honor of his Guru. In this work, he refined methodologies that shattered the current notions of yoga as a physical discipline and opened the way for participants to embark on a path of self-discovery and enlightenment through the practice of yoga and meditation. Immigrating to the U.S. in 1960 to study at the Philadelphia College of Art, he soon realized his true calling lay in the teachings of yoga. He founded a Yoga Ashram in Sumneytown, PA, that later grew into the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, the largest center of its kind in North America, and later, the Amrit Yoga Institute. For the next 20 years he continued developing this yoga system. Today, his methodology is taught and practiced by thousands of people around the world. Yogi Desai is neither a philosopher nor a psychologist. He represents a mystic, Tantric tradition, imparting energetic experience through direct transmission. He is a Master whose presence creates a palpable energetic field where synergy transports one to a state of consciousness, stillness, peace and tranquility.