Jesus said the Father is seeking worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and truth. (John 4:23,24) A very important part of our corporate life together as the Church is our worship experience, yet most Christians do not realize all that the Scriptures have to say about it, nor the power that is released through praise and worship.
In this practical and spiritual book, Joyce brings us back to the heart of what it means to worship our Creator in Spirit and Truth. Her own example and the stories from her experiences provide the mentor and the student with a solid foundation, both Biblical and practical.
As you read this in-depth study and personal pilgrimage by author, musician, songwriter, worship leader Joyce Euren on the topic of worship in The Way to God’s Heart Through Worship, you will not only be inspired and instructed, you will be handed important keys to intimacy and power for your walk with God. This book is not only written from the heart, it is intelligent, transforming and will touch the reader deeply.
Says the author:
“I was born with music in my heart and mouth. I developed that ability through training, college and experience. Since becoming filled with the Holy Ghost, I have had a burning passion to bring the music of the supernatural realm to earth. There is a natural progression from Praise, to Worship to Glory. What I am after is the Glory realm. The Glory realm is frequencies and vibrations that come from heaven. I want to see earth’s realm transformed and energized with the vibrations and sounds of heaven. What is that? Read this book and find out.”