Did you know that everyone is uniquely creative? (Yes, even YOU)!
"The VOOreka™ Vibe Volume One" is a playful way to explore what a simple smile can do to change your entire creative process. Creativity belongs everywhere and is within everyone – And the VOOreka™ series aims to take author Gretchen Voolich's experiences to help others remove the barriers to their wildest dreams and greatest ideas. Find inspiration in what lights you up, for it is the meaningfulness of creation that gives us purpose. Don't let mental blocks impede your journey toward creative success, open the pages of Volume One to start a fantastic journey of inspiration. What will you be capable of when you learn how to readily use your creativity to bring your gifts to the world?
Voolich believes that it's all in the mindset, and it is the mission of this series to make the world a more creative place. This is the perfect guide for professionals, risk-takers, and aspiring out-of-the-box thinkers looking for their purpose in life. Your next big idea is always lying in wait, it's just a matter of pushing beyond the fog to find it. The approach found within the pages comes from Voolich's reimagining of traditional coaching to transform people into better problem-solvers by using their individual creativity as a wide-casting utility. So, take to the pages and decide for yourself just how it is you will mark your name in the creative collective of human existence.