Living Vision 7 spent two hours engaging with people in Farmington, New Mexico one evening, asking people to share their vision of the world--how does the world they want to live in look, how does it feel to live in that world? Again and again, we heard a yearning for acceptance and belonging, a deep desire for peace and safety, and vivid descriptions of a world of natural abundance. These stories and moments of connection were so powerful, Living Vision 7 expanded this project to extend over 35 days. By directly engaging with the communities where Living Vision 7 group members live, and beyond that to the world at large They asked 17,777 people about their visions of the world. These visions inspired the creation of four art installations in Southwest Colorado and northern New Mexico, as well as the compilation of this book. This book celebrate what’s possible with portraits, illustrations, and the words of visionaries. By bringing to light the visions we carry in our hearts, we get to live our dreams.