Debt Ceilings, budget Short-Falls and lack of tax dollars will be a thing of the past. This is not a ‘Value-Added Tax’ or some European Tax Hybrid; it is a fresh approach to rebuilding the financial infrastructure of the U.S. We The People must send a clear message to this and future generations, our generation took the initiative and build a fair and honest tax system even a 3rd grader can understand.
The True Tax:
- Streamlines/downsizes government
- Eliminates The Debt
- Eliminates The Personal Income Tax
- Creates Jobs to Restore America
The founding fathers envisioned a government that serve the people. The True Tax seeks restore this vision and ensure the wealth of the nation is retained with its people and not its government. Far too long our government has gone unchecked and less responsive to its people. Special Interests and willing politicians have been all to willing pervert the original intent of a Representative government (Republic)to serve their own self interest vice preserving our Freedoms.
Enough is enough; The I.R.S. has tarnished our sterling heritage. It is a behemoth system even its agents or creators can’t grasp, with tentacles invading our privacy, consuming wealth of individuals, businesses and our nation. Far too many have been harmed by its mismanagement. We can Restore Our Nation and Blot out this blemish now!
We must keep pressure on Washington and make our Representatives convert to the True Tax before it is too late and return sanity to our beloved nation!
Yes, I Will Stand Up For America!