LaVone Hicks has been a music teacher in NC for nearly 34 years. A 1976 graduate of Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte, NC, she received her master's degree with a concentration in reading from UNC-Charlotte. The experience she gained as an insurance agent for 18 years paved the way for her first book, "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire-Life Lessons Learned, published in August 2014. But it was her students at Carver Elementary in Mt. Olive NC who inspired her to publish this children's book, "The Thing That Lived Upstairs." Her personal scary story intrigued the students so much until she actually prepared it for a Guided Reading lesson for students way back in 2003 when her school district required special area teachers to help with reading. It is hoped that this book will not only entertain, but also educate others about the NC lifestyle in the 1950's and become a legacy to her school, family, and friends.