A collection of poetry by sterling singer/songwriter Tom Kimmel. 'Tom Kimmel is a treasure. Songman, rocker, poet, seeker, troubadour... always scratching away for the greater truths like a miner for gold. In these poems, you will recognize and celebrate your own humanity 'warts and all' and know it's okay to be a human being. Yeah!' - Marshall Chapman 'Tom does with poems what Eudora Welty did with short stories . . . sweet (but unsentimental), understated little slices of actual human life as experienced here in the south, or anywhere, for that matter. He puts you so close to those beauty/truth/goodness moments of the heart (the ones we've all known but defy description), that you're suddenly in them before you realize it.Like Eudora, he speaks softly, sneaks up on you — and then nails you. Wonderful stuff.' - Pierce Pettis