The Sacred Human Guidebook from the Greenbeings of Earth by J. Silverpine presents a comprehensive, important, and extraordinary guide to surviving this challenging time in our planet's history. We hear intimately from the Greenbeings (plant consciousnesses) of Earth how to live in a sacred manner not only with the natural world, but with ourselves. Readers will find themselves magnetically drawn-in to the spirit world of green things—sentient, easily-accessible consciousnesses with an intelligence and spiritual evolution currently beyond ours--who urgently call us to heal ourselves so that we can all heal the planet together. Silverpine exacts an unrivaled fluency transcribing the plants' message to humanity that is poetic, beautiful, and stirring. The plants inspire us lovingly, yet powerfully, to elevate our behavior to come into right relationship with nature, securing our future success as a species. The questions remains… How will we respond to Greenbeings' call to action?