Why is it so hard to find a good job, mind your own business, and make a decent living? Why does nothing work from our education institutions to our government? Why can't we really fix heath care, social security, or stop deficit spending? Why do our elected leaders always lie to us and talk down to us? The short answers are we are no longer a Democratic Republic. We are transitioning to a National Socialist form of government. This process has been on going since 1913 but recently it has picked up a tremendous momentum. It all began with the collapse of the Judiciary. You can read all about it in Paul Owen's new book, The Rise of National Socialism Part 1: Judicial Tyranny. Osama bin Laden is, of course, the infamous leader of al Qaeda. He and his evil minions are sworn to destroy the United States and our way of life. The only mistake they made was they intend to do it with violence. You can’t kill an idea with violence. We can’t kill radical Islam with viol