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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Islam / Koran & Sacred Writings
  • Language:English
  • Pages:562
  • eBook ISBN:9781879402270

The Qur'an

A Guide and Mercy

by Abdullah Yusuf Ali

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A unique Modern English-only translation of the Qur'an, featuring Yusuf Ali's famous translation but with old English words like thou and thee replaced with their modern equivalents.
A unique Modern English-only translation of the Qur'an, featuring Yusuf Ali's famous translation but with old English words like thou and thee replaced with their modern equivalents. A very simple and easy to read Translation. The Qur'an is a complete and original compilation of the Final Revelation from God to mankind through the last Prophet of Islam, Muhammad. It is a continuation of the earlier Revelations made to Abraham, David, Moses and Jesus, thus certain accounts in the Qur'an and other Revealed Texts are remarkably similar. Finally, the Qur'an was revealed not to distinguish Islam as a separate religion, but the Revelation of God came as a final message that embodies a universal message for people of all times.
About the author
Abdullah YusufAli was born in Surat, Gujarat in British India. As a child, Ali received a religious education and, eventually, could recite the entire Qur'an from memory. He spoke both Arabic and English fluently. He studied English literature and studied at several European universities, including the University of Leeds. He concentrated his efforts on the Qur'an and studied the Qur'anic commentaries beginning with those written in the early days of Islamic history. His translation of the Qur'an is one of the most widely-known and used in the English-speaking world.