The Pulpit Pal began as my private journal of bible information because I lacked biblical knowledge. Over time, my journal grew from a few pages of helpful information into a notable tool that caught the attention and interest of others. In my attempt to make my journal more appealing, I was touched by the Spirit of God to be a blessing to others who, like me, struggled with a lack of biblical expertise in the word of God and the need for spot-on information. The Pulpit Pal is a book that contains a basic overview of biblical information that is extremely useful for avid students of the bible and anyone who loves the word of God.
The Pulpit Pal 2 is a powerful literary source of biblical information designed for bible studies, daily devotions, and quick referencing of traditional bible events and characters. Book two is a more comprehensive and extensive revision of book one, for I've added much more insight into the Psalms, Proverbs, Revelation, and Paul's missionary journeys. In the Psalms, there are more intricate details to illuminate the mental and emotional despair of the Psalmist as they look to God for their comfort, protection, and provisions. Paul and the missionaries carried the Gospel of Christ to every possible part of their known world, and the places, events, and people of interest deserved a greater understanding of the importance of their work to Christianity.