A full-color gallery of the major art works found in Causey's Remnants of Eden: Evolution, Deep-Time, & the Antediluvian World.
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A companion to Remnants of Eden: Evolution, Deep-Time, & the Antediluvian World, this book reproduces the many artworks found in that larger volume in full, vibrant color for the first time. Each illustration is coupled with a brief reflection on the piece, its meaning and inspiration. Included also is a sketch art section, revealing many of the unused concepts or earlier iterations of final pieces.
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About the author
D. S. Causey is a believer, a husband, a father, and an artist. Having always been a researcher at heart, he has found interest in everything from archaeology to zoonosology, but biology in particular captivated him like few other fields. His love of "the study of life" eventually brought him to the cutting-edge world of commercial biotechnology, where limits were pushed and boundaries blurred. Now an avid investigator of the science behind Biblical creationism, a student of bibliology, and an ordained minister, D. S. is a dedicated member of the Creation Science League, the Creation Research Society, the Associates for Biblical Research, and the International Association for Creation. Fully embracing his calling, he has dedicated countless hours to the study of four areas of investigation concerning the authenticity of the Bible: Science, History, Philosophy, and Personal Experience.
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