About the author
Bill Forster, a long time ‘wannabe’ author with a pile of rejection slips from publishing agents and publishers is someone who does not give up easily. Buoyed by the knowledge that many of the most successful modern authors have gone down rejection road on their path to fame and fortune he has now decided to try and join them through the wonderful advent of e-book publishing.
He is a long suffering supporter of Newcastle United Football Club so disappointment and optimism are very much part of his psyche. He has a varied and eclectic range of interests. These include the mystical aspects of life ranging from alchemy, magic, pagan beliefs, alien life and life forms, multi dimensions, cryptozoology and shamanism to name but a few.
He is a qualified Shiatsu practitioner having qualified with The British School of Shiatsu-Do and has practiced for the last fourteen years firmly believing that it helps to keep him healthy and mobile as well as his clients. He is also developing his own system of healing with tuning forks through the use of sound. His belief is that the human body is a subtle sound machine and that many ailments can be alleviated through sound manipulation.
He is an enthusiastic follower of sport and was physically active until well into his sixties when a knee injury curtailed his more strenuous sporting activities. Soccer and running were his main loves and as a younger man he was a pretty good sprinter. Later in life he ran many half marathons and held an unfulfilled ambition to compete in a triathlon. Aikido was his pathway into Shiatsu and again this was halted by a dodgy knee, but he is a firm believer that fate plays a strange role in life path selection.
The inspiration for his first full length novel comes from a background of war gaming and role playing. He was the co-owner of a successful games shop for many years and is a keen war-gamer and role player. As a games master most of the plot lines for role playing sessions are drawn from his own imagination. This novel is the first of several based on a long running horror-themed adventure campaign which has been running on and off for over ten years and which continues still. He thinks it’s a pretty good, ripping yarn and hopes that many others will think so too.