After leaving his favorite brothel, Carlos Calderon, Mayor of Garcia in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon, survives a violent attempt on his life. Known simply by the locals as "the Mayor", Carlos is on a personal mission to rid his town of the drug cartels that control it. Too bad his wife, his colleagues, and his whore all seem to get in his way.
The year has just begun and it will be a tough one for the Mayor in a town where he does not know who to love, who to hate and who to trust. Mayors are dying across Mexico. Good men and women who have chosen, perhaps stupidly, to take a stand against the corrupt rot of the cartels spreading through the country. This is the story of Carlos Calderon's initiation into the Mexican Mayors Club, where resisting temptation can put a bullet in your head and being a hero can mean betraying the ones you love.