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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Science Fiction / Action & Adventure
  • Language:English
  • Series title:The Mejmer Archives
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:250
  • eBook ISBN:9781483542690

The Mejmer Archives

by Jason Asher

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The Depository Line is a family intertwined with the fate of our Network of Life, the Semay Wem. Their purpose is to do nothing more than live a quiet life, ignorantly passing down the Great Mejmer Energy throughout their generations. But when someone attacks Emmanuel, the forefather and founder of the Line, and gains knowledge of the First Mejmer Language and Ability called The Leadership of Matter, the fates of the Depository Line and the Semay Wem are changed forever.
The Depository Line is a family intertwined with the fate of our Network of Life, the Semay Wem. Their purpose is to do nothing more than live a quiet life, ignorantly passing down the Great Mejmer Energy throughout their generations. But when someone attacks Emmanuel, the forefather and founder of the Line, and gains knowledge of the First Mejmer Language and Ability called The Leadership of Matter, the fates of the Depository Line and the Semay Wem are changed forever. No longer ignorant of the Great Mejmer Energy, or its inherent Mejmer Languages and Abilities, one by one, the Depository Line are thrust into the ongoing dramas that exist throughout the Semay Wem. But without the Great Mejmer Energy, the Earth cannot sustain life for more than seven years. By the time the Depository Line settle back down on Earth, the planet has already been struck by two devastating comets. It remains up to them to settle the Great Mejmer Energy, and the entire fate of the Semay Wem, once and for all.
About the author
Jason Asher was born in Brooklyn in 1972. During high school, one of his English teachers gave the class an assignment, to write a short story. Jason's short story was singled out of the whole class. "Now this is a short story!", the English teacher said. Jason read the story before the whole class, and during the days that followed, the teacher submitted it to a nationwide competition where it earned recognition, and was even considered to be made into a short film. Jason didn't win the competion and the film was never made, but Jason's love for writing fiction had been properly kindled. Many short stories followed, but Jason's ambition was to write a novel. After completing high school, Jason went to university at Howard in Washington D.C. He dropped out, and shortly after was married with children. After the divorce, Jason moved to Ethiopia and lived there for the better part of 15 years. The Mejmer Archives, Jason's debut novel, was written in a mud hut in Addis Ababa.