The Man Who Figured Out God? takes you on a journey of ideas to the very heart of the God concept - out beyond belief to an intriguing destination within your own mind.
Two old friends, one alive, one not, set out on an exciting, entertaining and challenging ride that is at once a renewal of friendship and an exploration of one of life's great questions: Suppose there is no God? What then could possibly explain the ongoing belief in one across time, space, and the many and varied cultures throughout the history of mankind? Rob Victor's determination to answer that question leads him on a journey of discovery to a powerful solution that questions the very belief in belief itself. Is Rob The Man Who Figured Out God? Rob's best friend Jason is about to find out.
Following Rob's death in an unexplained boat explosion Jason is gifted an audio tape on which Rob has recorded his fascinatingly unorthodox answer to the "God problem" he's been working on since he and Jason became best friends back in their college days.
To honor Rob's memory, Jason decides to listen to the tape during a week-long road trip that relives a spirited expedition the two of them shared 25 years earlier. As Rob travels along on Jason's unexpectedly adventure-prone ride, Jason, in turn, rides along on Rob's thought-provoking journey to his surprising conclusion - a conclusion that astoundingly also explains the real motive behind Rob's death.
Where will the ride take you? Is Rob The Man Who Figured Out God?