Billions of people around the world identify themselves as Christians. It is the world’s largest religion. The Bible is accepted as the foundation for that belief. I examine the events that are purported to have happened in Genesis to determine if they are compatible with our knowledge of how the universe operates and to see what God truly considers important. I also look to see if conflicts arise between the actions of God and what we in an advanced society would define as good, moral behavior. We've all heard the story of Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, Abraham and Isaac. What about the story of Jacob wrestling with God and winning? What about the story of Judah, Er, Onan, Shelah, and Tamar? What is the real story behind Sodom and Gomorrah? Many more untold stories of Genesis are examined in this book. No time is wasted with pointless philosophical debate. It is a concise and humorous inspection of the world's most sacred book.