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Book details
  • SubGenre:Afterlife & Reincarnation
  • Language:English
  • Pages:256
  • eBook ISBN:9798985692815

The Immense Release

Love Now and In the Afterlife

by Barbara Gail

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THE IMMENSE RELEASE is a validated nonfiction achievement by a Spiritual Communicator for the Light. Barbara Gail reveals in-depth clarity for life now and in the afterlife. This open-hearted Mystic provides undeniable messages to those grieving a loss, bringing lasting comfort. Barbara receives communication from God, the Masters of Light, and loved ones. She explores the topics of finding missing individuals and animals, past lives and reincarnation, her own Near-Death and Out-of-Body encounters, extraterrestrial phenomena, communication with departed animals, children transitioning to the afterlife, sacred sexuality, and shares a profoundly uplifting message from God and the Ascended Masters of Light. Through her interactions with Paramahansa Yogananda, Bruno Gröning, Quan Yin, and other spiritual figures, she shows her versatility as a Channel and Trance Channeler. When questioned about her ability to manage communication with more than one Source of Light, Barbara responded that the idea of not being able to never crossed her mind. This lifestyle of communicating with the Realms of Light was natural for her. Barbara met Paul Gallender, Charles "Sonny" Liston's biographer, when she was already renowned for her supernatural expertise. Paul could not deny the seventy facts Barbara conveyed that Sonny telepathically gave to her forty-one years after his murder. When Paul's wife suddenly passed away, Debbie gave specific messages to Barbara to comfort Paul. The details relieved him, as it meant his beloved was still nearby. Following Mother Cabrini's appearance and communication with Barbara decades after her passing, on October 18, 1999, Barbara was in the presence of God. Barbara offers what she receives: Empirical proof you are never alone. Justice prevails. Life is not planned obsolescence!
THE IMMENSE RELEASE is a validated nonfiction achievement by a Spiritual Communicator for the Light. Barbara Gail reveals in-depth clarity of life now and in the afterlife. Her messages saved her parents' lives, and later offered those grieving a loss, lasting comfort. Barbara stressed you don't have to have a N.D.E. to gain insights into the Realms of Light. Meditation can serve as a valuable tool for exploring eternity, promoting healing, achieving self-realization, and facilitating personal growth to the extent you desire. She discusses miracles and how much more prevalent they are than realized. The knowledge of predictions and the methods to use them are invaluable. Barbara communicates with God, Masters of Light, and loved ones. Through her interactions with Christ, Paramahansa Yogananda, Bruno Gröning, Quan Yin, and other spiritual figures, she shows her versatility as a Channel and Trance Channeler. She discusses locating missing people, pets, reincarnation, past lives, extraterrestrials, animals after they pass on, children transitioning into the Light, sacred sex, Near-Death and Out-of-Body experiences. This book offers something for everyone, including how she received assistance in starting her life again each time she returned from the N.D.E. The help Barbara received from the highly acclaimed Ralph Bergstresser was as unexpected as the other miracles in her life. Barbara met Paul Gallender, Charles "Sonny" Liston's biographer, when she was already renowned for her supernatural expertise. Paul could not deny the seventy facts Barbara conveyed that Sonny telepathically gave to her forty-one years after his brutal murder. When Paul's wife suddenly passed away, Debbie gave specific messages to Barbara to comfort Paul. The details relieved him, as it meant his beloved was still nearby. Following Mother Cabrini's appearance and communication with Barbara decades after her passing, on October 18, 1999, Barbara was in the presence of God. Barbara offers what she receives: Empirical proof you are never alone. Justice prevails. Life is not planned obsolescence!
About the author
Barbara Gail entered the world with enthusiasm and love for all. At three years of age, she shared stories about otherworldly life and unseen "friends." She hopes all parents will believe their children when they talk about seeing relatives and pets who have passed on. Her book offers something for everyone, be it learning about past lives or what is to come. Her N.D.E. and Out-of-Body Experiences have given more proof of the continuation of consciousness surviving physical death. Guided by inner knowledge, Barbara meditated early. Each night as a child, she saw the Masters of Light and the departed. She overcame the pain of sexual and physical abuse and helps others to do the same. Her life-saving prophecies that began with family and friends became her vocation. When she gave messages from Christ as a Trance Channel, she was told that her brown eyes became emerald green. Providing messages when the Master speaks directly to you is Trance Channeling. When Barbara receives the messages and offers them while maintaining her personality, that is Conscious Channeling. Her ability to channel more than one messenger has proven valuable in every instance. As a guest speaker at the Mensa International Gathering in Denver, Barbara realized people were looking for alternative healing and the world beyond for answers. Although she is a Reiki Master and Advanced Psych-K Facilitator, she says the miracles come from the Light. When she restored an animal to life, brought a loved one back from the brink of passing on, and three paralyzed patients to full mobility, it was not from technique, but God working through her. Barbara, although raised in the Jewish faith, had visits from Jesus Christ as a child, continuing into adulthood. He shaped her views on healing and all-inclusive love. His and her religion is Love. Barbara lives in the majestic Colorado Rockies with her 105-pound German Shepherd dog and family, enjoying friendships, nature, and three hundred days of sunshine a year! www.answersfromthelight.com