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Book details
  • SubGenre:Ancient Mysteries & Controversial Knowledge
  • Language:English
  • Pages:265
  • eBook ISBN:9781483511658

The Green Candle

by Samuel W. Shaffer

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In the hideous darkness the Overmind ruled over a civilization of doomed souls. The Magi undertook an expedition into that darkness to save any soul that would fight to escape. They found Han. This is the story of Han and his band as they fought the current leading to darkness to win their freedom. Take up this book to read their thrilling story and to learn how to resist those who would enslave us.
In ancient times a super volcano was forged and slowly cooled. In the following age a race of dwarves carved out a civilization in the immense dark mountain only to eventually be wasted away by a hideous unknown evil leaving their halls to be inhabited by awful monsters and a cult of blind sub-humans. When the people of the Jaredites arrived in the land near the mountain and built a great kingdom they had no idea of the shocking events that would soon transpire in relation to the shadowy recesses of the mountain. A sorcerer took the mountain for himself and with a secret order of minions reached out from the mountain to rule the cities of men outside. Having been apprised of this great evil the mighty king of the Jaredites marshaled his armies in a great campaign to destroy the sorcerer in his lair only to be imprisoned there with all the ranks of his host. There in the darkness the sorcerer then became the Overmind as he stripped away the humanity, and the memory, of his prisoners and ruled over this new civilization of doomed souls. In the land there was an order of men endowed with wisdom from the Gods called the Magi that undertook an expedition into the heart of the dark mountain to find survivors that would be bold enough to believe that there was a world outside and to fight to escape. Deep in the darkness the Magi found Han. He was a young man blessed with visions and dreams that soon gathered a small band who resisted the Overmind. This book is the chronicle of their resistance, and a window into their innermost thoughts, their struggles, and their source of hidden power. As such anyone that is interested in fighting the current that leads men to any type of darkness ought to take interest in this book. If they take the opportunity to learn the teachings it contains they will become the champion of everyone that wishes to journey from darkness into light, they will gain power and immortality, and obtain an association with the Gods.
About the author
Born in California, but raised in Utah under the suffocating shadow of the Mormon Church, Samuel Shaffer spent his twenties investigating fundamentalist Mormon groups, receiving revelations, and translating ancient records with the help of seer stones. The direction he was given in his revelations steadily brought him out of the darkness of orthodoxy. These doctrines that have come to light through Samuel’s clairvoyance show that there have been many Children of the Gods, such as Jesus Christ and Buddha, that have come to this earth to save us from our ignorance and evil. He is currently living in Utah and is the leader of the Council of the Seers.