In 43 days he'd be a single man again. But to Will Foster it was a lifetime. Six weeks and one day. That's what it takes from Decree Nisi to Decree Absolute. And then what? The next 43 days could shape the rest of his life. So he decided to keep a diary. Liz had already moved out but she kept coming back, like a boomerang that wouldn't go away. First her cat died and he had to arrange the burial. Then she locked herself out of her flat and had to stay at his. They met at christenings and funerals. They were even set up on a date by his thirteen year old niece. And finally she expected him to console her when she split from her new bloke, the devilishly handsome and unfeasibly well hung, Toby. He met other women but was he ready? There was Jane, the sexy divorcee from Hampstead; Charlie, with her garden flat in Brook Green; and Anna, the assistant manager of The Underground. And then, of course, the inevitable drunken night of passion with Liz. That was a big mistake. He was a