‘The Divine Artist’ - ‘Art for God’s Sake’
Stephen Bennett’s book has been endorsed by globally influential Fine Artists such as Akiane Kramarik - who painted one of the most famous pictures of Jesus in history - along with significant film-makers, musicians, worship leaders, church leaders, music industry figures, and instrument luthiers.
In the six sections and twenty chapters, Stephen reveals the Divine nature and character of God - as the Supreme Artist Creator in the wonder of who He is - and how God has framed our world for His purposes and mankind’s destiny.
Stephen shows us that everything is art, and artisans are to be world changers and builders, especially of the House of God; and there you will find true creative prosperity and growth. Stephen briefly travels you through art history, the immense acceleration of the arts today; the battles for artists, the spiritual nature of art, and the difficulties and triumphs of the artist’s journey.
God has a dream for all His art, all creatives, and all of humanity who follow God. Creativity is at the centre of Christianity. There is an historic purpose for creativity, and also a prophesied culmination of that purpose, for all art.
“Stephen’s book, ‘The Divine Artist’, is an invitation to recover the testimony of Jesus within ourselves, in all of the arts, for art’s sake, and for God’s, as a vehicle for the communication of goodness, beauty, and truth” Dr. Mark J. Chironna - Author, Bishop, Life Coach, Pianist, Vocalist, Composer. Church On The Living Edge Orlando, Florida.